Clarifications and Amendments by Steve Thomas
Additional Information by Chris Lawson
In German translated by Stefan Meinhold

1841 Clarifications and Amendments

Steve Thomas
Version 1.5

This is a collection of rules clarifications and amendments for Federico Vellani's excellent 1841, an 18xx variant set in Northern Italy and first called 1839. Except where noted, the amendments have been ratified by Federico, so they are as official as the rule book. This doesn't mean you have to play this way, of course, if another way works better for your group, but this document can at least form a solid foundation for any variants.

This document is divided into five parts. The first group of clarifications are points that can be deduced by sufficiently assiduous study of the rule book. In some cases the information is clearly presented in the obvious part of the rule book, while in others it is well buried; in all cases they are rules we or others have got wrong or been confused by at some time. The second group consists of rulings in cases not covered by Federico's rules. The third section is devoted to conscious changes of the rules, while the fourth is devoted to variant rules which experimenters might like to try but which are not (yet) considered official. The last is a section covering frequently-made errors. In each section, numbers in braces {like this} are section numbers from the rule book. Text in brackets [like this] is rationale and comment.

Thanks to Richard Clyne, John David Galt, Chris Lawson, Tom Lehmann, Dane Maslen, David Reed, Alex Rhomberg, Federico Vellani, and Nick Wedd for their comments. Please address any comments to me, Steve Thomas.

1. Rule clarifications
2. Additional rules
Section 3. Rule changes
Section 4. Variants
Section 5. Frequently occurring errors.
These points are frequently overlooked, especially by those players experienced at other 18xx games but new to 1841. Not all players will make all of these mistakes, but some groups have made all of them and some find them remarkably easy to repeat.
  1. Minor Corporation certificates cost the normal printed stock price (with the President's certificate costing double, as usual) but the dividend on an ordinary certificate is 20% of the Corporation's earnings.
  2. A route must include at least two cities; passes and ports don't count as cities for this purpose, but red off-board areas do. Small cities and ports are "free" to all Trains, in that a Train may visit and count as many of them as it can reach, while passes are "free" to 8-Trains only.
  3. Stock in a Corporation may not be sold, except on an emergency basis, and a Corporation may not merge, until the Corporation has operated at least once. This applies to Corporations newly formed from mergers (including the Tuscanian Merge) and the Ferdinandea Secession, as well as to Corporations launched in the normal way. While it is often tempting to think of a Corporation's turn being over once it has finished either running or buying its trains, a Corporation hasn't operated until it has finished its first turn.
  4. Tokens may not be laid across active borders, even if the destination country is the same as the one from which a path is being traced. Thus, no Turin Corporations' tokens may be placed near or in Milan until Phase 4, no Corporations may trace paths through the reduced Austria in Phase 5 to place tokens, and no tokens may ever get laid in Switzerland (Lugano).
  5. The Token Acquisition Step {4.4} is often completely overlooked, especially as a mechanism for shuffling money between Corporations.
  6. Selling stock on an emergency basis only produces 1/2 value but may result in the Bank Pool getting more than 50% of a single Corporation, and even President's certificates can get there. Selling stock either normally or on an emergency basis may include selling shares in the Corporation being run, although normal sales of a Corporation's stock can't be done on its first turn (because it hasn't completed an Operating turn yet).
  7. The requirement that a Corporation's earnings exceed its stock price in order for its price to rise is often overlooked.
  8. Companies must start in cities; passes don't count.
  9. Yellow tiles with single small cities upgrade; tiles with two don't.
This section was last modified 11th May 1999.

Change log
06/10/97: Version 1.3
08/03/99: Version 1.4
11/05/99: Version 1.5

1841 Additional Information

Chris Lawson
Version 1.1

Borders in Phase 2 and 4

Borders in Phase 4

Corporation Mergers, new Stock Market price
{4.7.3, 4.7.4} As there seems to be some question of how the new price is implemented, here is a chart that covers the possibilities for both Major and Minor Corporations.
Notes: If a Major Corporation has a value higher than L250, then the new Corporation keeps that value (in practical terms this means if it is L256 or higher, you do not need this chart). Minor Corporations cannot move past column K on the Stock Market Chart; once merged they are allowed to do so as they are no longer Minor Corporations.

Sum of old   Sum of old       Final Price on
Minor Corp   Major Corp     Stock Market Chart
    -        243 and up   moves to 242 (ref  N3)
    -        231 to 242   moves to 230 (ref  N4)
448 (max)    220 to 230   moves to 219 (ref  N5)
    -        219          moves to 218 (ref  M3)
419 or 426   209 to 218   moves to 208 (ref  M4)
397 to 406   199 to 208   moves to 198 (ref  M5)
361 to 396   181 to 198   moves to 180 (ref  M6)
357 to 360   179 or 180   moves to 178 (ref  L5)
325 to 356   163 to 178   moves to 162 (ref  L6)
283 to 324   142 to 162   moves to 141 (ref  L7)
255 to 282   128 to 141   moves to 127 (ref  K7)
213 to 254   107 to 127   moves to 106 (ref  K8)
191 to 212    96 to 106   moves to  95 (ref  J8)
153 to 190    77 to  95   moves to  76 (ref  J9)
139 to 152    70 to  76   moves to  69 (ref  I9)
107 to 138    54 to  69   moves to  53 (ref I10)
 97 to 106    49 to  53   moves to  48 (ref H10)
 71 to  96    36 to  48   moves to  35 (ref H11)
 65 to  70    33 to  35   etc, etc.

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This page is maintained by Chris Lawson (chris.lawson@virgin.net)
Last Updated 16th September 2001